Why Adolf Hitler’s Autobiography Is Known as One of The Most Evil Books In Modern History

Adolf Hitler remains one of the most hated figures in the world today. However, like every interesting and famous figures, he also wrote a book detailing his life experiences and struggles, and this book also happens to contain unfortunate depictions of what he believed to be the truth about the Jewish people.


According to sources, this book by Hitler is titled Mein Kampf, a part of his autobiography which talks about his political ideas and personality traits. The book is titled Mein Kampf which translates to “My struggle”, and he wrote extensively about his need to garner support for his course and belief in the need for most of Europe to turn their back on the Jewish population thereby promoting his antisemitism belief. Experts who have reviewed the book have spoken extensively on how it is an aggressive display of hatred, with several aggressive foreign policies.

Why did Hitler decide to write this book and perhaps another interesting question is that how was he able to make out the time to write the book despite his political responsibility? According to sources, Hitler was able to write the book in 1924 which means he hadn’t been saddled with much responsibilities of the political and wartime actions. At the time, he was in Landsberg Prison following his conviction for high treason after he attempted to overthrow the German democratic party in November 1923.


It is quite interesting that Prison often provides many with time and revelations. History notes that many who had been imprisoned often come to an epiphany while in prison or find religion in their time within prison walls. Anyway, Hitler courageously launched a coup that failed, and while he was convicted and sent to prison he got even more support. This is what tends to happen in political spheres, when a character resembles a martyr, he/she gets more support. Hitler got support and spread his beliefs during his time in prison. The media were all over him and they continued to cover him until his release, making him look like some sort of hero.


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Notably, he wasn’t a popular figure before his time in prison, and it seems his book, and his time in prison gave him a lot of the fame he enjoyed afterward. Anyway, the trials ended in him getting 5 years Imprisonment but just after 9 months, he was released. The man was a good strategist, he knew that his book and what he had documented in it, would be very Favored by the German population. So he used the release of his book, the fame given to him by the media coverage on his Imprisonment, and quickly catapulted himself to the most famous political figure in Germany.


Hitler didn’t only become very famous through the release of this book, he also earned quite a lot of money, enough to have at least helped boost his career after his time in prison. According to Wikipedia, Hitler had earlier title the book 4 ½ Jahre Kampf gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Freiheit. Eine Abrechnung which in English means; 4 ½ Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice. A Reckoning.

However, for obvious reasons, one would see why the name had to change, so instead of giving it such a long name that calls the population of the political system of Germany at the time, very stupid people, he decided to shorten it and call it Mein Kampf. Interestingly Hitler published this nasty body of work under his party’s publishing house, called the Franz Eher Verlag. The first volume was issued in the year 1925, and then the second volume appeared the following year.



After the success of his first book and the Revelations he believed he had shown the German people, he decided to write another book, in 1928. However, in this book, he went into more details, talking about the foreign policies which he wanted to endorse, and gave a view as to the possibility of a world where Germans would be the superior race. However, this book was never published, and not until 1958, it remained manuscript, kept hidden from the world, after the death of Hitler. Till death, the book among other nasty details and documents are in the possession of the US National Archives.


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According to some sources, the book sold its first 10,000 copies fast, but afterward, it began to see a slow pace in its purchase perhaps owing to the turmoil that the country began to face in these times. Hitler’s book lasted quite long on shelves of libraries and homes of collectors, but it didn’t last long enough. After the defeat of Germany in 1945, there was a need to quickly begin to kill the Nazi idea, and this would automatically mean that all books, flags, and catalogs pointing to the existence of the idea, were systematically removed. Among the books that were removed from known sources, is Mein Kampf.



The allies ensured that they took down Hitler’s books from universities, stores, buildings, city streets, libraries, and even issued a directive that claimed that Germany must be purged of all related concepts to the Nazi Party and Hitler’s ideologies. This was to ensure that the country goes back to a time of Democratic rule, just as it was before Hitler took over. While the book was banned from circulation, they also ensured they placed a ban on possible republication, and soon the American government transferred the right to reproduce to the Bavarian government an interesting way of ensuring that the book is never reproduced ever again.


The book is of course very dangerous, quite dangerous in fact, that it inspired a political movement that led to a World War. One wonders what exactly Hitler wrote in it, considering that he was only known for his public speaking capacity, perhaps he was a genius writer also. But whatever he wrote in that book was deemed dangerous content, one that must never be allowed to circulate in any population, especially not the German population.



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