According to Nollywood actress Sarah Martins, a man can care for and love his side chick while still loving his wife more.
This was said by Sarah in a recent post on her Instagram account. She claimed that whereas a woman could never be unfaithful to her husband and still love him in the same way, a man could cheat on his wife and still show her love and affection.
She claims that the dynamics of infidelity are different for men and women because once women have a side lover, they start to disregard their husbands.
In her word she wrote;
“I saw a lot of comments on the post I made yesterday about a cheating wife and a lot of people were justifying the woman’s action.
Truth is, man can love his side chic, provide and protect her and still love his wife even more and will never neglect his family.
But truth is
But you see ehh, a woman can never cheat on her husband and still love him same way.
In some cases, they start looking down on their husbands, begin to be authoritative over silly things, they begin to find fault in virtually everything their men does, the man that u fell in love with and had kids for will begin to irritate you for no reason.
They begin to compare their husbands strength with their man friend’s, they begin to harbor grudge more than necessary, they find it difficult to forgive or apologize etc.
You all should stop comparing yourselves with men because men will always be men and the sooner you begin to accept the fact that you can’t compete with a man over infidelity the better for u.
Most of these so called side chics loves your husbands even more than you do oh yes…..
A side chic can support your husband financially, emotionally, sexually and spiritually but you as a wife can’t even lend him a kobo even when u have millions in your account as a sign of support to the family.
Your side man friends can NEVER dump their partners because of you because they will have the mentality that if you can cheat on your husband with him, you can do worst things to him when he finally makes u his.
So use your head and stop disgracing your children !
You may think nobody is seeing you but posterity will judge you sis.
And you men that find joy in sleeping with people’s wives, posterity will judge you!
I have seen where a man marries more than one wife and still love them equally but I’ve never seen where a woman marries more than 1 man.
Even in the Bible MEN NA OUR OGA!”