Intimacy and intercourse being the major and most common means of transmission of STDs have made lots of people believe that once they are not involved in intimacy or intercourse there is no possibility of them contracting any form of STD. Shocking enough some of these people end up with an STD and are left with so many unanswered questions about how it happened.
Kissing which is seen to be more casual than intimacy or intercourse could, however, exhibit certain effects as much as intimacy and this includes the transmission of STDs through this act. Certain STDs you might never have thought of could be transmitted from one person to another through deep kissing and you might just want to caution yourself about kissing after going through the list of STDs listed below which could be contracted or transmitted through kissing.
1) Cytomegalovirus:- This is an incurable viral infection that can be contracted through deep kissing. This virus which can be contained in one’s saliva is contracted or transmitted through deep kissing with an infected person and may not show heavy symptoms on contraction but gradually comes along with symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat, body aches and fever. Cytomegalovirus could also be contained and transmitted through breast milk, urine, semen and blood.
2) Herpes:- This STD is divided into two major types namely HSV-1 and HSV-2 but we will be focussing on HSV-1 known as oral herpes which can majorly be contracted or transmitted through kissing by sharing or exchange of contaminated saliva. This STD does not have a lot of noticeable symptoms as the most noticeable symptom is a small white or red blister on the mouth or genital.
3) Syphilis:- This STD which is majorly transmitted or contracted through intercourse could, however, cause infectious sores in the mouth of the carrier and deep kissing involving touching of tongues could lead to contraction of the bacteria through the sores. It comes along with lots of symptoms and can become very severe if not given proper medical attention early.