Reasons Why You Should Not Shave Your Pubic Hair

There are so many lifestyle habits we engage in without proper knowledge of how detrimental it is to their health and one of them is the shaving of pubic hair. You must note that shaving your pubic hair and getting rid of it not only prevents it from doing its job but comes with its set side effects. Research has shown that there are different consequences you might suffer if you have your pubic hair. Some of them include;


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1. One of the primary functions of pubic hair is catching dust, bacteria, and other pathogens before they enter the body. Eliminating them will make you susceptible to hazards.


2. Irritation is another reason you should not eliminate your pubic hair. Pubic hair eviction naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds. When that irritation is integrated with the warm moist environment of the genitals, it makes the environment favourable for some bacterial pathogens. This is another reason you should avoid this.


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3. Fiction is another thing that pubic hair helps reduce especially during intercourse. Eliminating them will increase friction during this act.


4. Pubic hair contains pheromones

This is another vital reason why you should not shave your pubic hair. Our pubes encompass an interesting mix of pheromones that help make us more attractive to others. These pheromones develop more as our body sweats hence eliminating your pubic hair will lead to their reduction.



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