What counts as a serious relationship?
A meaningful relationship is one in which two individuals are committed to growing together. It might happen fast or take a few years to grow—the important thing is that both individuals are committed in it and in the same direction.
That is to say, significant relationships do require some level of commitment—though not necessarily exclusivity, marriage, or eternal love. (Though those things may be significant for some.) Although everyone’s demands and tastes are slightly different, a meaningful relationship requires a long-term commitment to be together and care for one another.
Meanwhile, here are some of the most common indicators that your relationship is becoming more serious and your connection is becoming stronger, according to my research:
1. You can count on spending quality time with each other.
Dates or hangouts aren’t something you need to plan ahead of time, be hesitant about, or haggle about. You know you both want to see each other on a regular basis. Your partner respond to your texts; they establish and keep plans, just like you. It’s not that you have to hang out every day—but whether you’ll be spending time together soon isn’t debatable or contingent on your schedule.
2. You drop the formalities.
In the beginning of a relationship, most individuals want to make a good first impression on their spouse. They could put on their nicest clothes, go out of their way to be romantic or kind, and even sweep disagreement under the rug to keep the relationship’s mood upbeat. In reality, when you stop doing that, you know your relationship is growing serious.
In the early phases of a relationship, most of us are extra courteous, accommodating, and flexible. When you finally feel at ease enough to show your spouse your less-than-nice side, you’re expressing a desire to be genuinely understood and appreciated for who you are. This is an indication that you want to become closer to your partner.
3. Your sex life is evolving.
Some couples have instant s£xual chemistry, while others must learn to comprehend each other’s s£xual pace over time. Intimacy and s£xual encounters may take on a whole new meaning for both of you as you grow more in tune with your spouse in other aspects of the relationship.
4. You know each other’s inner circle.
This is a step that most individuals don’t take unless they are committed and hopeful about their relationship. Spending a lot of time with each other’s close friends, may reveal a lot about the strength and potential of your relationship. These individuals know your name and who you are in [your partner’s] life. This individual is exhibiting and sharing their world with you, which is a good sign they want to include you.
5. Caring about each other is an open priority.
There are no games to be found in this relationship. It’s recognized and anticipated that you both care strongly about each other, and neither of you is hesitant about expressing your love for each other. You both take the time to figure out what makes the other happy, and you are delighted to do those things. Caring for each other seems less scary or anxiety-provoking when you want to engage in something longer term.
6. You’re capable of resolving problems and disagreements.
Your relationship isn’t on the verge of breaking up every time you have a disagreement, and neither of you is attempting to avoid confrontation because you don’t want to fight. Temporary dispute is acknowledged as a natural and healthy component of your relationship, and that it eventually helps you two grow closer. Even when your spouse drives you crazy, perplexes you, and frustrates you, you discover a shared desire to work toward understanding and togetherness.”
7. You two can openly talk about the nature of your relationship.
You aren’t frightened out to address things like the future, the status of your relationship, nonnegotiables in partnership, goals, dreams, and how you precisely feel about all these issues when you are in a committed relationship. This is a sure sign that your relationship is serious and leading to something meaningful.