3 Kinds Of Food You Always Consume That Can Cause Harm To Your Brain

Your brain is the most essential organ in your body. It keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing and keeps all the systems in your body working effectively.


That’s why it’s vital to keep your brain working in good condition with a healthy diet.

Certain food intake has adverse effects on the brain, impacting your memory and mood and making your risk of dementia rise.


Some of the foods people eat that can cause harm to their brain include.


1. Trans Fat


Trans fats are nutrients naturally contained in animal products such as meat and dairy. Otherwise known as hydrogenated oil, those who consume trans fat are at a higher risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia. Research has indicated that a high intake of trans fats also causes cognitive decline, lower brain volume, and poor memory. However, note that not all fats are unhealthy for you but trans fat hurts your brain.

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2. Alcohol



Heavy alcohol intake makes the brain shrink and interrupts the neurotransmitters that your brain uses to communicate. People who drink alcohol also often pass through vitamin B1 deficiency, which can cause the development of Korsakoff’s syndrome. That syndrome is responsible for chronic brain damage that leads to loss of memory, confusion, unsteadiness, and loss of eyesight.


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3. Sugary drinks



Many sugary drinks are rich sources of fructose which has been proved to lower learning ability, memory, overall brain function, and the formation of new neurons In the brain. It may also cause increased inflammation in the brain, which adversely affects all kinds of brain functions.



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